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child of God


grandma stella says

catch my breath



pages of memories

June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 December 2007 June 2008 July 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008

pump that beat

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

hi! no more tenting tmr ): sigh.. was so excited for it.. but nvm. must think positive! :D can... er... rest! yup :) today i did more clothes washing and dish washing. my hand skin is peeling and i have 2 small little wounds on my hand! one on my index finger and one on my pinky! it hurts everytime i touch soap water ): sigh. i miss my maid. lol.

not only the washing machine giving me trouble, my cat too! zzz. the washing machine spoil. so i have to hand wash all my clothes. and thats the reason why my hand skin is peeling. and it feels so rough now. and my cat, SHE SHITTED ON MY BED. THANKSS AHHHHHHHhhh.... now shes locked up in the kitchen. feel so sad for her. but serve her right! but.... when i look into the kitchen, she'll do that innocent puppy.. i mean kitty eyes.. and she'll keep scratching the door. ): poor poor hazel. i have no choice but to endure!!!! cos my mommy wants her in!

at first, hazel shitted in my mom's bath tub.. so i carried her to the tub, pointed at the poop and whack her. (have to show her whats right and wrong) and my mom brought the poo to her potty place and showed her where her poo should be! then i think she was angry with me for hitting her...... so... she had her revenge by shitting on my bed. what a smart and stubborn cat! stupid cat! (thats what my dad always say) zzz..

sigh. my mom is having tooth ache. yes.. she went to the dentist alr. the dentist said that its cos her tooth cracked. and i think it really hurts cos she has been whining a lot. ): please pray for her.. ): poor mommy.

shall go watch hairspray. i recorded it :D so bye!

11:04:00 PM


Monday, December 1, 2008

hi! i've beeen doing choreeeesss almost the whole day today leh! ): from washing clothes, to sweeping the floor, to ironing clothes, to cooking curry with my mom, to washing the dishes, to more washing the dishes & more washing dishes. -.- my hands become prunes alr. ): sobsob. and super rough :\ ants cannot slide down alr. ha. -.-

wanna see the curry my mom and i made? we made two :D

ok bye! i shall go slack!

9:51:00 PM


hello.. feeling better much now :) after some sleep. heh. sorry for the emo post x.x (best if you don't read it :P) today i woke up at 9+.. watched tv and breakfasted. & then wash clothes and wash plates. cos my maid has goneeee to indonesia! :'( poor me. i'm the next maid in my family. zzz. oh well. i think chores are fun! ^^ if i have the time that is. heh :) washing clothes is fun! but only if you didn't have any problems with the dumb washing machine like i did :\ boo. i'm a lousy housewife :P but a good wife still! >:P HAHAHA. ok whatever.

I WANNA PLAY WARCRAFT!!! my warcraft smth wrong! stupig ): been waiting for like 1 month alr. =___=" someone help!!!!

i dowan to feel sad/angry/or whtever anymore! i wanna smile & be happy like this picture! HAHA...
i hope yingmei won't kill me for posting this. hehe :D
i'm a sad girl so you can't be angry with me! :D HAHA! ok whatever. :P

ok bye! i'm going to rot at home today :(

12:03:00 PM


haiz. so tired. why is life so stressful? i really cannot take it anymore. its like my head is exploding! honestly, i dunno what to do now.

what does it take to be a good person? whatever i do, i always end up being the one to blame. i hate it. i hate the feeling of getting blamed when all i did was in good intentions. i hate to quarrel over small little things. i knew it was going to happen. i warned them, they didn't listen. & now all this happened, and i'm trying to solve it. not only that, it seemed like i am the one to blame.

i've learnt my lesson.. next time. dun be a busybody. dun stick your nose into people's business, dun look for trouble. shut your big fat mouth. and mind your own business. keep your low profile, and go with the flow. dun try to change anything. dun give suggestions, dun even care or bother about anything but my family.

yes i'm sad. furious. but who cares anyway. i guess i think very differently from what other people think. i can't follow or do something that i don't believe in. unless i don't care at all.

stop it, stella.

12:37:00 AM


Sunday, November 30, 2008

sigh. recently, i've been realllly frustrated/stressed/etc. pushed to my limit. i really feeel like giving up now. so many problems and troubles. soooo fed up! if i could only throw all these responsibilities away! :( but i can't. I HAVE TO PUSH ON!! for God! if i don't hold on to Him and persist, i think i'll become my old self again T_T hot tempered and stuff. stupid!!!!!!!! will anyone ever understand me?

9:27:00 PM


Saturday, November 29, 2008

hihi! i'm getting busier and busier everyday ):
today i had touch rugby matches! superrrrrrrrrrr duperrrrrrrrrrr tiring i tell you. ZZZ. & tmr, MORE TOUCH RUGBY MATCHES. then after that, maybe training! O_O i'm so tired i tell you! ): i wanna die alr i tell you!
see my next week schedule. (why i post, is partly cos i wanna remind myself. scared forget :3)

monday : suppose to go out with xuemin,eileen and geokting! but must stay home :( (edited)
tuesday : watch the myhope show with cell @ irvin's house @ 10am & go to church to pump airmattresses for YI camp @ 2pm!
wednesday : TENTING (edit) maybe i have to go for blacks training ):
thurday : TENTING. & then watch 'its my life' with geokting, kenneth all? (nt possible.. but will try) (edit)
saturday : back from tenting & myhope! (edit)
sunday : support zealot soccer?

o_O.. i wanna watch cartoons and maybe go shopping again! :D i loveeeeeee to shop :)))))))))) ok whatever :P okay. have ta wake up at 6am tmr. madness. HATE IT. nvm... tahan! T_T so bye. :)

10:22:00 PM


Friday, November 28, 2008

sigh. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUSY AND SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BROKE. B x2! sigh. sigh. hais. sigh. hais.

show you my schedule and you'll understand.

4-6dec Tenting with cell!
8-13dec Contact rugby matches in Laos
15-18dec YI CAMP!

and....... okay. i dunno if i forgot anything else...... BUT even so, i'm busy right?!?!?! O_O" can't believe it actually. zzz.. i hate being busy.. its like being so restricted. sigh.. I WANNA WATCH TV AND LAZE AROUND!!

sigh. FEEELING REALLY CRAP RIGHT NOW........................... nt because i'm so busy.but smth else. so bye

10:15:00 PM


Thursday, November 27, 2008

hihi! i've got the mood to blog. but its sooooooooo late alr! so i'll just blog a bit. :(
had TWO trainings today. never in my whole life have i had two trainings on the same day! stupid.
but it was good i guess :D had 'training' at west coast. train fitness? ha. played the swing swing thing? don't know whats that called. and... played cling cling! and other other stuffs la. not REALLY REALLY training la. but it was tiring :(
then ate at a food place near vivo.. and talk talk talk talk.
then went to another training at st. andrews.. :D fun/scary/fun/scary/fun/scary i don't know! but i think i learnt a lot today :) and I REALLY HOPE I'LL BE OKAY WHEN I COME BACK FROM LAOS. IF i ever come back from laos O_O! (for ppl who dunno why i'm going to laos, its cos i haves rugby matches there. most likely go there sub only la, dun worry. nothing to boast =_=") xuemin CRIED today. cos she has a blueblack on she eyes! but dun worry. shes fine :) with plenty of my loves and cares :D hehe..

okay. its late. i have ta go do my quiet time before i gets sleepy! :) GOODS NIGHT PPLZ!

12:38:00 AM


Monday, November 24, 2008

hello :D i'm finally blogging.
recently, i've been thinking.. what if i dun make it to JC?
then that means that i have to go overseas to study.. (cos my parents don't want me to go into a poly) and THAT means i have to leave my friends, church, my family.. ): rugby club? :O
sigh. i really hope i get into a good JC.. or i'll have to say byebye to all of you.
i've gotta brush up on my language.. and maybe sciences.. and Amath? X_x argh. EVERYTHING!

God will put me where ever i'm suppose to be.. x_X

*dramatic-puts ah gua hand over forehead* if i ever leave... i just wanna say................................ (i'll say when i really have to leave :P)
grr.. thinking about it makes me sad!
stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid
the word stupid looks funny now :) after typing so many times. heh. its a brain thing if you don't know.

okay. think i shall go play wii! the dance dance game :O hahaha! stop imaging me play, or you die! ): <

10:46:00 AM
