(got from
copied & pasted here for you lazy people!! :b (below)
What would it take to ask a doctor to cut your spinal cord? What extremes would you have to live through? I happen to know the answer to that question. In 1992 when I was 23 years old I crushed my back in a car crash. I spent the first year in a back brace and neck brace and the next 10 years in and out of hospitals, crippled for life. I lived in such extreme levels of pain that initially I used to black out from pain. In a short period of time the opposite effect took hold. I would be awake for up to 4 or 5 days straight in level 10 pain, never being able to sleep comfortably. The pain levels were as if I were burning to death.
Initially I thought that after a severe injury you are treated by doctors and recover. I lived hanging on to the belief that the pain would go away as I healed. I would just do everything the doctors said and eventually I would be better. However, within six months of the crash I was told that my condition was worse then I thought. The pain levels in my hips, back and neck that were life threateningly high, were permanent. Even worse than that was the knowledge that I had reached MMI which is maximum medical improvement. This meant that the best physically that I would ever be was right at that moment. From that time on I would get worse until I finally died. MMI was reached two months before they told me about it. I received the news in a letter that I read crying in my room. I realized immediately I would have to kill myself quickly.
I had held on through the first six months clinging to the hope of recovery. Now that the hope of recovery was gone, I had to make the pain stop. Let's talk about that pain for a moment. It was a stinging constant pain. It was as if my body was on fire and the pain from that fire radiated to my feet, fingers even the top of my head. It hurt so bad that I could taste blood in the back of my throat. It hurt so bad that other extreme medical conditions went undiagnosed until it was almost to late for them to be treated. I remember having doctors say, "How could you have let this get this bad?" I would just look at them and say, "My back hurts so bad that I never felt it, until last night." Some of those medical needs were addressed as emergency because of my inability to feel the pain from them and get help for the "other" problems that came up.
I was grumpy, moody and extremely suicidal. Living with the condition for ten years I attempted suicide more than twenty times. I have actually died more than once. After being successful in suicide it angered me when I would once again be alive and in excruciating pain. I slipped deeper into despair and began to feel as if the world wasn't real. I started to think that my life was an illusion that I was forced to live as a result of killing myself. I became more and more convinced that I was actually in hell and that the burning of my body was going to be eternal. I rarely slept and my desperate groping for escape was like dragging my finger nails down a barbed wire wall.
In July of 2001 my wife had me go to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota where we live. It was a last ditch effort to keep me alive. After undergoing a few days of painful testing it was determined that my condition was untreatable. This was a fact that I already knew but was I willing to let one of the best hospitals in the world give it a shot. When they gave us the news that there was no help for me there were about 25 doctors in my small room. They told me what I already knew and I took it calmly. I choked back tears as I asked them if they could cut my spinal cord? I pointed to a spot just under the base of my skull and asked if they would cut it there. I needed to have the pain shut off. There was no hope for me and I was afraid to die.
The doctors told me that it was't leagal to cut my spinal cord. A suggestion that I be put on heroin was made. I refused it. They asked me why I was still alive, that it was rare that a person would live the way I had for as long as I had. I said, "I don't know. I haven't done that well, I have tried to kill myself more than twenty times. I have a theory that I have already died in a suicide and that I am in hell." The 25 doctors just looked at me with blank expressions. I said, "Can you convince me that I am not in hell?" They couldn't.
I asked the doctors to leave the room and told them I would be leaving the hospital that day. They asked me to film an interview to document my case. Mayo is a teaching hospital is what they told me. The doctors wondered if I would be willing to share the things I know about pain and "living" with the condition so that other people could be helped in the future. I was told that, "if it were possible to remove your entire spinal cord and replace it, that is what would have to be done. However, that isn't possible." So, on July 11th, 2001 I recorded an interview at the Mayo Clinic. This was in my mind a goodbye. My chance to have lived for something. Share medical knowledge with the world and then I could die.
After I left the Mayo Clinic I had two more suicide episodes. Let's not call them attempts anymore. They were never attempts, I was successful more than once. I wasn't crying for help, I was crying for death. I was longing for a death where the pain would stop and I could rest, or stop existing. I was reaching to vanish.
While all of this was going on my wife Angel was dealing with her own issues. She had two diseases and numerous tumors. She was also dealing with pain. After her second surgery Angel was told that she could never bare children. It gave her depression and pain that we both shared. Her tumors were precancerous and our constant medical trauma left us fighting with each other and poor. We were both always angry and because we could seldom work, we were starving. I remember eating about once a week. It didn't really matter to either of us, we probably hoped that starving would kill us. We didn't have a car and we really didn't have anything.
I was going into another hospital when I saw a preacher on TV and I didn't want to watch it. I always believed in Jesus but was now thoroughly convinced that He hated me. I did watch the preacher though. I watched it because I didn't feel good enough to change the channel. God got through to me with a preacher on TV. Somehow the things he was saying were making sense to me and on a weekend pass from the hospital I was living in, I went to the church I saw on television.
A man there explained to me that it was not enough just to believe in Jesus. He told me that even the demons in hell believe, but they are not going to heaven. He told me that you need to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. He prayed a prayer with me to ask Jesus to come into my heart and save me.
After he led me in the prayer of salvation he asked if he could put his hand on my shoulder. I said that he could and this is what he did. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "I pray that you be healed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. That your wife will come to church with you, that she will get saved and healed. In Jesus name. Amen." I looked at him and said, "Thanks".
At the time that I prayed with that man to get born again, I was walking on crutches that attached to my wrists. I had been told that by the year 2002 I would be in a wheelchair permenantly. It was November 4th 2001 when I got born again and that man prayed for me. I hobbled back to church on my crutches, but I felt life inside.
In the hospital I was happy that night and I fell asleep with no medication. Up until that time, the longest I had slept in 10 years was 4 hours. I had slept longer a couple of times after suicides, but the 4 hours came on morphine at the Mayo Clinic. That first night after being born again, I slept for 8 hours with no medication. It was a miracle and there is no doubt about it. I was still crippled but I was sleeping. Little did I know the biggest miracles were still to come.
The next month my wife accepted Jesus into her heart and got born again. It was December 2nd, 2001 and I remember thinking that after she got saved, God would let me die. I had felt Him leading me to get her saved and I was sure that after that, He would let me die. Just a few weeks later was Christmas Eve and we got to church early so that we could get good seats. We had just sealed our first tythe in an envelope and we were waiting for the service to start. It was early enough that there were only a few people there. I had my crutches laying next to me and was holding the sealed tythe in my hands, when a man approached us.
He walked up to me and said, "Excuse me, do you two have any kids yet?" I tried to smile and told him that we did not. He smiled at me and said, "You will." I turned to look at my wife Angel and she began crying. My first thought was that it had taken me all of that time to get her there, now some guy wrecked it. I said, "He didn't mean to hurt our feelings. He doesn't know that we can't have kids." She said, "I know" but she kept crying. Shortly after that, praise and worship started and we praised God together.
A couple of weeks later Angel told me that she had a dream that we had a baby girl. She said that in the dream she wrapped up a baby girl and took her to visit her brother Troy. Troy had died six months before and Angel loved him very much. She said to me, "If I ever could have a baby, I would want to name it after my brother Troy, but you can't name a girl Troy." I said, "Troyana Faith, but we can't have any children. Stop it, we have been through all the doctors and surgeries. It isn't possible, you can't have a baby. It's because that guy said that on Christmas, you're thinking about it, you're acting crazy. Stop it." I was kind of hard on her because I had seen the doctors get her hopes up in the past. Surgeries, medications, more surgeries, none of it worked. Then she would get very depressed. So I told her to STOP.
Five weeks after that conversation, we found out that Angel was pregnant. She was 8 weeks pregnant and had been 1 week pregnant when that man approached us. I asked them in the hospital how that could be? They said they didn't know, but she was pregnant and she was better. You see, all of her diseases and tumors had vanished. She was healed and pregnant! Praise God!
When we left the hospital, I was very scared. I knew that we were having a miracle, but I was still massively crippled. How was I going to take care of a baby? What was God thinking? I was told that I could never sit or stand more than 30 minutes or lift more than 5 pounds for the rest of my life. Babies weigh more than 5 pounds, I couldn't even pick one up. How was I supposed to do this? I asked God what He was thinking?
About a month later, I am not real sure of the time frame. So much happened in such a short period of time, it all blends together. I was at a revival service. It was a divine appointment that led me there. The preacher called for people to come up if they wanted to be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. You can think what you want, but you should listen to the rest of this. I was already baptized in the Holy Spirit and able to pray in tongues. I heard this call to be filled to overflowing as an offer of a drink. More of God is what I always want now, and I wanted it then too. So I went up.
The preacher said that we were to get a prayer in mind. That we should be praying for that prayer and when the preacher touched us, God would answer that prayer. There were about 40 or 50 people in line so I had a few minutes to figure something out. I got a prayer, but it wasn't for healing. I did not pray for healing. Without telling you the exact prayer, I will just share that I was asking for more of God.
When the preacher came by me and touched me, I fell over, slain in the Spirit. Instantly I was somewhere else. I was on a beach. I was laying on a beach on a sunny day. I could still hear the preacher and people in the room around me, but they seemed far away and I quickly forgot them. I was staring at the ocean and in the ocean was Jesus! Jesus was as tall as the clouds. He was huge, maybe a mile high. I was looking at Him and saying to myself, that's Jesus!
Jesus sat down in the ocean, the water barely coming up to the back of His legs as He crossed them. He started reaching into the water and scooping it up. Jesus scooped up a large two handed drink, as He drank out of His hands I remember thinking, Jesus can't be drinking salt water. When I thought that He turned and smiled at me. He reached over and poured a drink into my mouth. The water went straight to my feet. Then it filled up through my ankles, knees, chest and then out the top of my head. Jesus poured another drink in and it did the same thing, from my feet, up through my head.
After this we were sitting on a couch in a dark room. Jesus ministered to me about forgiveness. He told me some things to do. He hugged me and kissed me, and then I woke up. I had a friend with me that night and he helped me stand up. I started talking really fast about having this vision. How I met Jesus and how He fed me water. My friend just kept staring at me. Then I realized, I was healed! There was no pain, I could touch my toes, I could jump around. Believe me, I was jumping around.
I started yelling, "I'm healed, I'm healed!" My friend said, "I know". I said, "What do you mean, 'you know', I have been crippled for 10 years and it just vanished, how could you know?" He said, "You have been laying on the ground for over an hour." I thought it had been 10 minutes. Then he said that he came over to pick me up after half an hour but as he reached for me he heard a Voice. The Voice said, "Don't touch him, I'm doing something." So my friend John stood next to me and prayed in tongues until I woke up. That was it, I was healed. The crushed nerves, ligaments, tendons, soft tissue, disc disease, artharitis were all gone! There is not a trace of them left to this day! Praise Jesus!
I started a job painting houses about a month later and I got to call and cancel my disability. I have allowed the Lord to lead every place and every thing that I do in my life, to the best of my ability. I now have a daughter named Troyana Faith who is 5 years old. We also have a son named Caleb James who is 3 years old.
The Lord has sent us to tell people what He has done for us and that He wants to do the same for them. God wants people saved, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit. He has used us personally to pray with thousands of souls! I have personally seen people get instantly healed of broken bones, epilepsy, cancer, brain anurisms. People who were about to die, got up and didn't die. He has had me lay hands on over 20,000 people so far and we have been blessed to be able to effect hundreds of thousands for the kingdom, our sweet Jesus!
We are only getting started on what the Lord has sent us back here for. I have been asked alot if I remember anything from the times when I was dead. I don't remember anything. I remember floating in and out of my body. It felt kind of tingly as my spirit left and came back into my body. I have a clear memory of that happening many times, but I don't remember anything else.
I didn't grow up going to church and I never read the bible before any of this happened to us. I do now of course. I thank the Lord everyday that the life I had is just a memory and I can't absorb it all sometimes. I love God so much! He gave me life, health, prosperity and a purpose. God is wonderful, He has a green thumb, everything you give Him flourishes! He has asked us to believe Him for all of our needs and He sends our family into some pretty hard stuff sometimes, but I trust Him, and He always comes through. God is not a respector of persons. I didn't get some wonderful gift that He wants just for me, His will is that all will be saved, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit. He is the most wonderful Father there could be. He is not a child abuser putting sickness and disease on us to teach us a lesson. He makes it clear in His word that satan does that. Jesus is the cure! There was never a person in the new testament that came to Jesus and said, "heal me" that He didn't heal. He answer is YES everytime.
I heard something recently that really sums it up. He loves you 100% if your saved, sinning, hating Him or indifferent. His 100% is constant and never changing, what is changable is your ability to receive that love. It is the same with salvation, healing and being filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. Allow Him some room in your heart to move. Trust Him for His word is true. He cleansed the lepers. Let Him cleanse you. In Jesus name.
Just a couple more things real quick. About a month after I was healed the Lord had me receive prayer for anointing. I was going to pray for a man to be healed who had double lung cancer. When I received prayer the Lord told me one thing. He said, "Read Ezekiel 47". I asked a pastor that was there if Ezekiel was something in the bible and he said that it is. I told him that God told me to read Ezekiel 47 but I didn't know what that was, I said, "what is that". The pastor said, "God told you to read it, not me."
When I got home I read it. I want you to read it yourself. Compare it to the vision that the Lord used when He healed me.
Last thing now. God is everything! Jesus is our purpose.
Can I share some good news with you?
God loves you very, very, very much and He wants you to know for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will go to heaven someday.
The bible says that if you choose to believe that Jesus is the son of God, that He died for your sins and that He rose from the dead. Then you qualify to go to heaven. He also said to receive that gift you need to confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth while you believe in your heart. It's a choice. Please choose now.
Say this out loud:Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart and save me. Change my life, keep me from evil and make me the person you want me to be. I know you have a plan Lord and I want to do it, you tell me what it is and I will do it. I am sorry that I have sinned against you and I thank you for dieing on the cross to save me. Jesus, be my Lord and Savior. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, heal me and bless my life. In Jesus precious name, I will live my life for you! I love you Jesus! Amen
Praise God forever! Get a bible and go to church. It's really simple you go to heaven because you received the free gift that Jesus gave you. You read your bible and go to church so you get to know Him better and your life will get better!
God loves you so very much and so do I.
Receive the Holy Spirit and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, be healed!
Give me the good report and God bless you!
Living His life,James Cooper, a bond servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.]
wow. any of you who read this and believe in Jesus, please tell me yeah? :) great! PRAISE GOD!