oi. I was in school for 11hours! booz ): School as usual. Xuemin act cute lah! She paste many many ACTCUTE plasters on her knee! lol! Anyway, I had to fast & pray from 8am-2pm! :D Prayed for.... (secret! dun tell you lehhh) :P Okok.
Then after school I pangseh-ed Melanie.
SORRY! T__T Felt very bad siaa~ ): I won't pangseh you again! lol! Then wait wait wait for JingJing,Nuren they all to go eat... then in the end didn't eat with me! >: ( Angry already lah! Hahahaha. But yay! Xuemin & Eileen accompanied me! Woo! :P HEHEHEHE! Stupid shortie nuren! wuahahahas!
Then can say STRAIGHT AWAY after eating, I went to Track & Field training! X_X Had stitches of course =.=" Zzz~ & had the want to faint kind of feeling also! T_T but... not as bad as last time. YAY! :3 lol! Yunqi & Annette ahhhh~ LOL! Such slackers! xD But they're so funny! :x (Should not say why! ask me if you realllyy want to know) :P
Okay then after trainings and stuffs, Xuemin & Ruishan played basketball with a netball ball =.= heh. Me leh? I lazyyyy~ So I sat at the bench to do my homework! wuahahaha! Guai right? say right! :P mehehehe. Then when they were done with their stupid basketball, we went mad & took many crazy photos! x_X HEHEHEHE! Will post later or some other day :)
Then we went home. Curfew for some people. :x Xuemin & Ruishan took bus 77 while i took 173
ALONE! (ahhhhhhhh~!) >: (
booz! Hahahaha.. Siao! :x Okay then I was sitting at the busstop.. dazing. Until I felt like I forgot something! O_O Then realized that I forgot to take my shoebag! I faster faster walk back into the school! (cause if run then very ugly) -.- THEN MISS SEAH SAW! So she said 'Stella.. the school is closing soon. why are you still walking into the school?' =.= zzz~ kpo sia. :x HAHAHAha.. I just ignored her and went off......................
NO LAH! I told her I forgot to take my shoebag and I ran(jog) to the fitness corner =.= lol! That was when I saw my lonely little adorable cute shoebag!
'FOUND YOU!' :D hehehhe! I happily took my shoebag and skipped(walked) to the busstop again! :3 HEHEHHEHE..
Woo! I'm going to cut my hair SHORRRRT tmr! (after school. duhhhhhhh~) :D don't be shocked to see me cuter than before! :3 & after that, I'm going to meet Nuoyee &Nuosi! (my childhood besties!) I MISS THEM LOADS :)
rar! :]
WOOT! Didn't online for 2 days! :) Busy busy! School hols are overrr! booz. :( But oh well! School time is quite fast to me anyway! If you know what I mean :D
Sunday,24thJune10-12am: Had tuition by my sister's friend! Honestly, it was superrrrrr weird! Because he is very unprofessional and unexperienced! AND BLUR :x hahaha! Okkay lah.. I will not be mean! :x Howeverrrrrr, his teaching quite understandable lah. And apparently, he is very smart! (my sister said so!) He goes for gifted programs lehhh :x WOW right! GIFTED LEH! LIKE SMART ASS LO :( hahaha.
After tuition, I went for BS in church! Met Lihong there :) Woah! They show us the FHM magazine! & read an article for us so that we'll know what people now a days are reading! & we must pray for them! :( It is superrrrrrrrrrr er xin! :(( And these magazines are sold everywhere! HOW CAN!? Its like super disgusting lah.. it reaaaalllllyyyyyyy made my day....................... (saca) =.=
Monday,25thJuneWOO! School starts today! Hahaha! I'm kinda HAPPY! Cause can see my friends! woo! woo! woo! :P SIAO!
School, school, school!
Then home! :d Did my homework.. blah blah blah. BORING :x then packed my stuffs for tomorrow's (26/6) Track & Field training. When I went out of my house cause Iwanted to put my shoes in my shoebag, I saw a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG butterfly on the lift outside my house! WOW MAN! When I told my sister, she freaked out -.- coward. LOL! k lah.. I was a little scared myself :x hahaha! Them my sister's boyfriend took my shoe & shoo the butterfly! xD hahaha. It was raining so heavily...
Today,26thJuneSchool school school~ Hehehe! Woah. I'm so thankful lah. :] On the second last period of school, me and Weiting(guy -.-) went down to take locker! Then is like.. we took almost 20mins like that waiting loh! Lucky saw Liyan & called her to help! (cut queueeee!) But still took 20mins =.= Hahaha. Then so.. it was Miss Seah's lesson time what. SO I WAS REALLY SCARED LA. LIKE... 'WHAT IF SHE THINK WE'RE PLAYING TRUANCY?'
But~ she very CLOSE-ONE-EYE kind. So.. we got off the hook! Or maybe she just bias lah. :x Like me what... what to do? :) Hhahaha. Really felt like thanking her lah. Shes such a nice person :] Oh well... :D
9:15:00 PM

Waiting for the train! :) People act cool sehhhhhhhh~

Thokkai has a stupid face!~ lalalaA~



Yingmei's face so CLOSE UP :x Libin like little Ah pei!

The girlsss~ :)

Interesting~ :D

"wow! i never see water before!"

Stupid Alvin & his big butt! :x

HAHaHAHAHA~ cool right! :D if only Xuele was inside too :x Too bad! She has to take the photo! :)

like dead people like that :x
Thokkai's toe! "I need to breathheeeeeee!"

Lonelyyyyy, i'm so lonelyyyy~

our stuffs!

Cute lil' doggy! :3 rufff~

Zilian Yongquan. -.- ACT CUTE LAH!

want more of his zilian photos? no? OKAY!

Crap photo Yongquan took. =.= some fat boys


Cute little girls playing sand!

A china girl I don't know!

Sad little girl :(

For your info, I'm the one in a big white shirt! Don't ask me why I'm wearing that!

A cross that Peilin made :3

Many zilians with me :) Look for me! (in the background)

Magic? or what..
11:45:00 PM
In the bus on the way home from Sentosa!


Cute eh? :D

I look stupid. =.=

rar! we're scary and WE WANT TO EAT YOU!



bleah! :p


Xuele,Lihong and b0b0!! :D hehehe!
10:09:00 PM
Encounter Retreat!
Home Sweet Home! I'm finally back! :) Anyone missed me? HAHAHAH! :x Encounter Retreat was fun and inspiring and everything good! I WANT MORE! :3 hehehe!
1st day..(20thJune)Went to Physics remedial~ nothing much really.. we just learnt an easy chapter! Wow, I miss my friends so much man! Can't wait to go back to school and have fun with them! :P After remedial, I went to home to collect my sleeping bag and stuffs to go ER! Had to bring alot of things cause the 2nd day I needed to go to Track and Field training x_X Okay so, I took the bus and arrived at church! Was kinda excited! Curious to know what God has planned for me! I went to Membership Track! Because we had many many sermons, I learned alot that day! Derek's Sermon was so funny lah. xD He is like so lame lo. >:P I AM A CHILD OF GOD :) A princess okay! :p Then when we were about to sleep, me, Lihong, Julia went around church with our sleeping bags around us! LOL! Like so lame right! But its fun lo! xD2nd&3rd day..(21st&22ndJune)Okay, so I woke up at about 6:30am (SiewLing woke me up :x). I bet I was sleeping like a pig! >:( Was so tired. Then I went to Track and Field training. Ran a few rounds and stuff. Kinda slack.. but I felt fainty after that. I'm so noob! T__T Don't know whats wrong with me. X_x After training, I called my mom to come fetch me. Because I couldn't stand the pain any longer! My mom was great, she asked me to take a cab home at first. But she changed her mind and made her way to my school even though she was in town! Had a little prayer that God would heal me. :) Then me, Xuemin, Jingyi and Asshida went to canteen cause we, or rather I, wanted to get a drink. Too fainty already T_T I couldn't even really walk properly! Hahaha.. On the way there, we saw Mr Sing(if thats how you spell it)! lol! Jingyi and Asshida panic sia! (cause they were wearing slippers) LOL! They like don't know where to run like that! It was hilarious! But I couldn't laugh, too fainty.. T__T lol! But now can laugh :x HAHAHAHA! Okok, so they ran to the nearby toilet to change shoes. After that, we went to the canteen. But booz! The canteen drink store wasn't open! Zzz~ What luck! x_X But then Xuemin offered to go to the shop outside to buy 100plus for us! What a good person! :P HEHEHEH! Thanks la! ^-^ After sitting at the canteen for awhile, I felt much better. :D YAY!! Zzzz~ ok. Lazy to type liao :P I post so much already! The longest post in my blog! YAY! World's record! ^-^ woootttsss~OK!! A few hours later, I ended up in church! lol! (lazy to blog lah) Okay!! A few sessions.... then it was evening! Heh.. (lazy to blogggg~~~~) THEN! We 10pm like that went to espanade! Hahaha! Libin & all the guys went siao loh! HAHAHAHA! They pretend to be from India and China and all those crap! So funny lah and so
LAME! Then we went to see fish! Dunno go where. I was sleeping in the bus :x The bus is so comfortable loh! LOVE THE BUS :x hehehe! Ok, WAH! The place had MANYYYYYYY kinds of fish! BIG , SMALL, you name it they have it! X_X shark also have :x But its all dead btw. :D HAHAHAHA! but its super interesting man! Poor Alvin, he walk walk half way, then feel like vomitting X__X (he dun like the smell of fish). Haha.. When walking, saw a part where the person cut the fish when its still alive. X_X Its super gross la! But its so.. interesting :) Make me wanna see it more! Hahaha! then the fish's head still can move without its body! So.. scary but cool :DDDD! Hahaha! That part alot of blood :x
After that, we went to WestCoastPark! The sand there super cold sia :) nice feeling.. Hehhe! I definately enjoyed today man :x We went and climb the triangle thingy.. dunno whats it called xD But its super fun! I first time climb so high! Normally I would be very scared and stuffs.. But... ITS SUPER FUN LAH :x hehehe! Then we went to play the... thing that... made guys have no father's day! xD Dunno how to explain the thing.. but is like you can sit on it. then ppl will push you then you FLY! HAHAHAHA! I'm lousy at explaining things.. some ppl will know :x HEHEHE! BUT ITS FUN LAH :x Was scared at first.. but I went anyway x_X
Then after that, we had to go back already. Got up the bus and slept all the way back! Hahaha! It was 4am like that when we reached back to church. NO BUS YET! So had to wait until 6am >:( Was so so tired lah. Hahaaha. So I sat outside the cafe in church with Ronald , Irvin, KenLim and JiaJun. They were playing guitar so.. watched loh. (nothing to do anyway) Then felt super tired already! So I went into the cafe to sleep. (Xuele they all also slept like pigs) Almost everyone inside was sleeping.. xD Weird feeling but nice lah :P 6am le! Everyone woke up and went home. Everyone were like zoombies lah! hahahah! So funny but couldn't laugh. No mood. LOL! Yup! I summed up my whole ER! :3 Overall, its super fun and ya!, everyone must not miss the next one! xD
7:09:00 PM
I didn't come online this morning, want to know why? No??? -.- I'll tell you anyway! HEH! I wanted to not spend too much time on the computer! ):
Firsty, it'll spoil your eyes! So... hey
Secondly, I don't want to worship the computer! >:[ HEHEHEHE!
Thirdly, I no time ^^ HAHAHAHA! Went to E math remedial.. See old&new faces mixed. : ) I miss my friends! I actually can't wait to go back to school! :))))))))))))))! But I don't look forward in doing homework ): booz! But I look forward in seeing everyone get squashed in the new school! WHEEE :] Its a nice school in a way. Although its small, its cosy! Think positive people! :3 And if its cosy, its more re nao(fun&noisy)! :D Yay! & the field is nice: ) track? no. =.=
Hehehe. Okay, so after my remedial, I had track &field training. Woo! Damn slack eh? :\ Hahahaha, & now I'm here blogging! Off to eat now! HUNGRY! :3
6:33:00 PM
Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston RAWKSSSSS MAN! :B
1:26:00 AM
Woo! : ) Today's Sentosa trip was
NNN! : D Hehehe! Did alot of things lah! Kinda lazy to post, as usual ^^ Thats why my old blog went byebye! xD Hahaha. To find out what we did there, click
www.sleepislove.blogspot.com (Yingmei's Blog-Shes never lazy to blog! ^^ And she very lame :p) Wheeee~ hahaha! But one thing most signaficant about today is the girlssssssssss in the toilet at Sentosa! >: ( I can bearly NOT SEE their boobies (and their private areas!) Like GROSS RIGHT! :[ Hahaha! So
TING! X_X Someone should tell them off! And that person is me! (someday) :D! Yayy!
Heroin b0b0! :3 Weeee~ OHOHOH! And the little Christians Peilin and Xuele made was sooooooooooo cutE! :DDDD! Once I get the photos, I'll post! :3 Hehehe! Stupid Xuele, must be sleeping by now. And Yingmei too :x Sleep like pig :P!
Stupid sia. My skin colour still very unevened! ): rar! No worries! NEXT TRIP TO SENTOSA, 22 JUNE! ;] Watch out SENTOSA! I'm going to conquer you! AGAIN! PART TWO! x))))))))))))))))))))))!
bye love!
I don't LOVE XUEMIN! Yingmei loves my daddykins!
11:53:00 PM
I love my daddykins
Yay! I LOVE MY DADDY! :) No, I'm not saying my Heavenly Father, but my earthly father! Not saying I don't love my Heavenly Father lah! I do~ :)
Anyway.. yeah! My dad brings me to school every school day, and he doesn't complain even a little! I really appreciate what he has done for me! & I know he really loves me! :P Whatever I want, he would really try to get it for me.. & I really really am touched by that. (but of course I don't ask for lots of things & I'm not a spoiled brat thank you!) :] Yeah, although I don't really know him well as in, VERRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY WELLLLLLL, I know he has a good heart and he loves his family very much! :D HEHEHEHE!
Had dinner with my family outside! Ate full full ^-^ Hehehe! Japanese food! Quite nice :D I loveeee trying new kinds of food! :3 Yay! Whole dinner cost $180! WOW RIGHT :x But its nice :) We sat front sit! And saw the chef frying the food for us real life! Hahaha. Really an experience you must experience! Hahaha! :]
Woot! I'm going to Sentosa tomorrow with my churchmates! :D SO COOL. Thanks to Libin, we can continue our trip! YAY! :3 Hmm, but I feel bad! Because theres rugby training tomorrow too! ): But oh well.. the Sentosa trip was planned long time ago! So sorry girls! ):<<< Play well! & have fun! xD Don't miss my shoutingss! WUAHAHAHAHHA :x
Yay! SENTOSA, HERE I COME! :3 I'm going to conquer you! WEHEHEHEHEHEH!
10:45:00 PM
Dark Purple

To others, you seem a bit dark, mysterious, and moody.
In truth, you are just a very unique person who doesn't care what others think.
And you really enjoy your offbeat interests and friends.
You've decided that life is about living for yourself - simple as that.
Hmm, living for myself? Not really. :\ But oh well! : D
Today is FATHER'S DAY! :) Give your responsible, loving father a GREAT BIG HUG! lol
Okay. I'm going out to have dinner with family! BYE! : D
7:14:00 PM
You're A Crazy Drunk

When you drink, you get wrecked - and it ain't pretty.
Cheese Pizza

Traditional and comforting.
You focus on living a quality life.
You're not easily impressed with novelty.
Yet, you easily impress others.
Your Vocabulary Score: A+

Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary!
You must be quite an erudite person.
Lol. Okay.. You caught me. I cheated a little. >: ( BIG DEAL! I'm still smart okay!
'Not only cute but smart'! Hehehe! Wth is multifarious & erudite?!
5:44:00 PM
Your Attitude is Better than 60% of the Population

You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.
Quite bad attitude eh? >:( Don't mess with me! xD Hahaha~ :D
You Are a Normal Girl

You are 60% Good and 40% Bad
Sure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.
But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl.
I'm average! Yay me! :3
Your True Love's Name Is

Bryan I.
O RLY? Its so lame. But whatever larr. HAHAH : ) Get it? http://www.whateverlarr.blogspot.com/? -.- Ok, nvm.
You Will Be a Cool Parent

You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need.
You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law.
While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top.
You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant!
Oh cool! I can't wait to grow up now.
Your April Fool's Day Prank Should Be

Setting up the office chair tilt a whirl
Watch out people! I'm watching you.. ^-^
Your Nail Polish Color is Magenta

How you're unique: You're confident - and you show everyone the true you
Why your style rocks: You have the attitude to carry the most outrageous outfits off
What this color says about you: "Look at me. I know you want to!"
LOL! Thats cute? :) Eh! YINGMEI! Now you know what to get me :D
4:30:00 PM
You Are 90% Weird

You're more than quirky, you're downright strange.
But you're also strangely compelling, like a cult leader.
What the?! =.= Am I THATTTTTTTTT weird?!
4:02:00 PM
I am soooo bored! : ( booz!! Yingmei was suppose to come to my house today! But she ended up NOT COMINGGGG because her dad didn't allow last minute! SO DISAPPOINTED! >:( Now i have nothing to do at home! rar! T__T Sooooooooooooo boreddd~ Someone entertain me! I want some ACTION man! I can't stand sitting on my big comfy chair all day! >:[ I'm saddddd. BUT! I HAVE A BACKUP PLAN! heh! Try all the tests in http://www.blogthings.com/! LOL. Lame, ya I know right. But its interesting! And just to KILL TIME ^-^ ding!
You Follow Your Head

You're rational, collected, and logical.
Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love.
In fact, you've even been accused of being very picky.
While you're cool, you're not ice cold.
You just know what you want, and don't mind waiting to get it.
2:47:00 PM